For the biking enthusiast, we’ve compiled a list of the best garage bike racks to fit everyone’s needs. These bike racks can keep your ultralight high-end road bike safe while in storage, or hold up to the weight of your heavy electric-assist mountain bike. Whether...
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the Garage

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The Best Garage Floor Tiles
Garage floor tiles offer an easy opportunity to protect your concrete garage floor while simultaneously enhancing both the aesthetics and functionality of your garage space. The best garage floor tiles are ones that have been deemed to be durable, affordable and also...
The Difference Between Plasma or Laser Cutting? Here’s the Difference.
When it comes to industrial cutting methods, you have many different options to choose from. Two of the most common are plasma cutting and laser cutting. Although they sound alike, they’re often used for different things. So, what is the difference between plasma and...
Is it Dangerous to Replace Garage Door Springs?
The garage door likely gets used much more frequently than the front door in many American homes, getting opened and closed multiple times a day as people come and go about their daily business. This heavy wear and tear can cause the torsion springs that raise and...
Is Plastering Garage Walls: Good or Bad?
Dreaming of giving your garage a makeover? When it comes to the options of what to do to those walls, plaster offers a solid and durable material. Though it may not be a professional's top pick, that is mostly because plaster is a major job. And it can also be a messy...
Drilling into Garage Walls? Here is What You Need to Know
If you have a garage, then at some point, you’re probably going to want to drill a hole in it so that you can add storage options, run wires and cables, or even hang décor, but you’re probably wondering if this is wise. So, can you drill a hole through the garage...
About Us is a collection of valuable and useful information regarding everything automotive, especially in and out of the garage.
We’re a group of friends that try to improve the holy sleeping grounds of our cars, or as we like to call it, our Car Caves. As everybody even remotely interested in cars will tell you, it’s not just a means of transport from a to b. For some it is even a passion!
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