We all know that it is considered bad form to answer a question with a question, but before you can offer a useful answer to the question of whether heat lamps are safe in a garage—you need to know what they mean by a heat lamp. Are heat lamps safe in a garage? Some...
Do Garages Need To Be Vented? Understand The Importance!
The garage is often not just a space for parking your car; it can also be a workshop, laundry room, storage dump, or even a craft center. Therefore, the design of the garage should accommodate all its uses. Do garages need to be vented? Yes, the garage space requires...
Can You Wash Garage Walls? Consider All The Options!
We have a love-hate relationship with our garages. While they can store some of our most prized possessions, they can also attract grease and oil stains, house dangerous chemicals, and provide a home to all kinds of insects and rodents. As a result, every...
Garage Door Opener Light Staying On? Here’s What To Do!
Garage door openers are simple tech inventions, in theory. All they are supposed to do is get your garage door to open and close without getting your hands dirty--and maybe also light the way. Unfortunately, tech is only really good if it’s working without a...
Does Painting The Garage Floor Add Value? Upgrade Now!
If you are thinking of re-selling your home in the future, consider making some upgrades that will increase the value of your property. Some updates will not cost you a fortune but have the potential to increase the value of your property significantly. Does painting...
Do Garages Really Need Gutters? Prevent Heavy Damage!
Having gutters on your house can sometimes be an overlooked aspect, especially as a new homeowner. Then, putting gutters on your garage on top of that seems like an unnecessary requirement. It can be tempting to skip putting gutters on your garage, but you should know...
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YourCarCave.com is a collection of valuable and useful information regarding everything automotive, especially in and out of the garage.
We’re a group of friends that try to improve the holy sleeping grounds of our cars, or as we like to call it, our Car Caves. As everybody even remotely interested in cars will tell you, it’s not just a means of transport from a to b. For some it is even a passion!
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